1. About Us

Information Security

At TARDICS, we understand the critical importance of protecting our organisational assets and information. As operator of many services, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of security to safeguard our data, systems and processes. Our focus is on ensuring a secure online environment for all our customers and partners spread worldwide.

Our Mission

Our mission is to uphold exemplary security practices within our organisation, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability of our information and systems. We strive to be a model of security excellence by implementing state-of-the-art technologies and adhering to industry best practices.

Our Vision

We envision a future where our systems and services operate seamlessly and securely, free from cyber threats and vulnerabilities. By fostering a culture of security awareness and rigorously implementing best practices, we aim to set a high standard for organisational security.

Our Approach

Our approach to security is comprehensive and proactive. We integrate advanced threat detection, effective response strategies, and thorough risk management practices to protect your data and our organisation. Key aspects of our security approach include regular security assessments and audits, robust data protection measures, efficient incident response protocols, and adherence to relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards.

Principles to Follow

Our security principles guide our efforts to protect your data and ensure a secure environment. These core principles include:

Colocation in Tier 3 Data Centres
We colocate our equipments in Tier 3 data centres with 24/7 surveillance.
Restricted Physical Access
Only a minimal number of personnel are allowed physical access to the data centre.
Full Disk Encryption
We employ full disk encryption from day zero.
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is always enabled for local terminal logins.
Restricted Remote Logins
Remote logins are only permitted from staff's static IP addresses.
Public Key Authentication
Public key authentication is always required for remote logins.
Controlled Authentication Keys
Adding authentication public keys for regular users is disallowed.
Disabled Root Account
The root account is disabled and more explicit `doas` is used for privilege escalation.
Traffic Separation
Public traffic is separated from private traffic.
Hardware Firewall
A hardware firewall is used for public traffic filtering.
Software Firewall
Private traffic is filtered with an OS-level software firewall.
Port Access Control
We resist opening ports for public traffic unless it is absolutely required.
Service Binding
Services are never bound to all interfaces, instead bound to specific IP addresses.
Sandboxing Services
Each service runs in its own sandboxed environment (e.g., jail(8)).
Encrypted Backups
Backup files are protected with public key cryptography.

Ensuring a Secure Environment

At TARDICS, we believe that organisational security is not just about technology—it's about people, processes and culture. We are committed to creating a secure operational environment and continuously improving our security practices to protect what matters most to our customers, partners and our organisation.

Contact Us

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Our team is available from Monday to Friday, 09:30-16:30 (UTC+02).
Our team is available from Monday to Friday, 09:30-16:30 (UTC+02).

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