1. About Us

The Remote Manifesto

A Company Without Borders

At TARDICS, we believe in empowering our team members to work from wherever they choose, at times that suit them best. From the very beginning, we recognised the value of a remote-only work style, which enables our employees to achieve a better work-life balance and deliver exceptional results for our clients. This manifesto outlines our commitment to remote work and our shared vision for a future of work that is flexible, inclusive and empowering.

Trust your team, avoid surveillance We trust our team members to complete their tasks and meet deadlines without the need for constant monitoring. We don't use surveillance tools, and instead prioritise clear communication and transparent project management to ensure that everyone is on track.

Embrace asynchronous communication Working remotely means that team members may be spread across different time zones, making synchronous communication difficult. Asynchronous communication channels, such as email and messaging, can help ensure that everyone stays informed without interrupting each other's workflow.

Prioritise work-life balance We recognise that remote work offers the opportunity to adapt your schedule to your personal needs. We encourage team members to work when they are most productive and to take time for self-care and personal pursuits.

Stay connected through virtual meetings Remote work can sometimes feel isolating, so we prioritise regular virtual meetings to stay connected as a team. We encourage team members to take the time to connect and share updates, both about work and personal topics.

Take ownership of your work Our team members are experts in their fields, and we trust them to take initiative and make decisions about how to achieve our shared goals. We encourage team members to take ownership of their work and to feel empowered to make decisions without constantly seeking permission.

We hope that these guidelines will help us all to work together effectively and build a strong remote work culture. However, we recognise that everyone's experience is different, and there may be other considerations that we haven't addressed here. We welcome your input and suggestions for how we can improve our manifesto and create the best possible working environment for all team members.

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Our team is available from Monday to Friday, 09:30-16:30 (UTC+02).
Our team is available from Monday to Friday, 09:30-16:30 (UTC+02).

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